JS-Hetron F240


JS-Hetron F240 is a non pre-accelerated, thixotropic flame retardant resin based on a orthophtalicunsaturated polyester containing mineral and organic fillers. It contains neither chlorine nor nitogen.The colour of the resin is white.

JS-Hetron F240


JS-Hetron F240 is a non pre-accelerated, thixotropic flame retardant resin based on a orthophtalicunsaturated polyester containing mineral and organic fillers. It contains neither chlorine nor nitogen.The colour of the resin is white.

JS-Hetron F240

JS-Hetron F240 is a non pre-accelerated, thixotropic flame retardant resin based on a orthophtalicunsaturated polyester containing mineral and organic fillers. It contains neither chlorine nor nitogen.The colour of the resin is white.

Typical Liquid Resinproperties

Property at 23°C Value Unit Method
Viscosity, Brookfield RV2, 20 rpm 1000 mPas D 005
Monomer content 29 % D 003
Density 1,4 QC 16
Geltime 15 min D 006
+ 1.2 % Co-oct (1%)
+ 1.5 % MEKP-50
Application and Use

JS-Hetron F240 resin can be used in contact moulding, spray-up and cold press applications. It isparticulary recommended for finished products which need very good flame retardency and lowsmoke toxicity, e.g. construction (sanitary etc.), and transport (trains underground/subway).

Handling and Storage

HETRON F 240 TF resin is delivered in open top drums. The resin must be stirred very well beforeuse.It is highly recommended that all material is stored at stable temperatures under 25°C preferablyindoors, and away from direct sunlight. Prolonged storage or storage outside of recommendedconditions can influence liquid resin properties like viscosity and geltime. The maximum shelf life ofHETRON F 240 TF resin is three (3) months.

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